Hillary Outdoors Alumni

As part of our 50th Anniversary, we continue to celebrate the achievements of our alumni.
#5: Nic Mead, Hillary Outdoors Alumni from 2003
After completing High School, Nic decided to pursue his love of the outdoors with further study at Hillary Outdoors. He has now turned his passion for the outdoors into his full-time job after launching the successful marine-based tourism experience Auckland Sea Kayaks.
#6 and #7: Dan Hayman and Ollie Taylor
Dan and Ollie are both 2021 Hillary Challenge Final Alumni who competed in different teams. Dan was a member of the OBHS-Columba team whilst Ollie was a member of the Onslow College team. Having met at the Hillary Challenge they have since become great mates and have formed a team to compete at the 2023 Mainova Frankfurt Marathon.
Follow their journey to Frankfurt on Instagram @frankfurt4cancer
#8: Yasmin Wessels, – currently cycling the length of NZ for Cerebal Palsy Society
Attended a 2 week long programme with us and that inspired her love of the outdoors.
Follow Yasmin’s journey on Instagram @inspired_by_my_brother
With so many incredible alumni doing amazing mahi across Aotearoa and the world, we look forward to featuring more stories about them over the coming months.